Chris Davis

Interrogate the Industry No. 7: Renee Miller

I am not going to lie, this week besides Interrogate the Industry (of course), I didn't focus much on baseball.…

11 years ago

Interrogate the Industry No. 4 : Jake Ciely

Another week down the drain, and we're back once again with another Interrogate the Industry. This week Jake Ciely joins…

11 years ago

Interrogate the Industry No. 2: Alex Kantecki, Chris McBrien

We are back with another Interrogate the Industry. This week we're joined by Alex (@rotodealer) and Chris (@cmcbrien). We may…

11 years ago

2014 Fantasy Baseball Draft Strategy (Part 1)

Now that you have prepped, completed your cheat sheets, perused your draft guides, and burnt through highlighters it is time…

11 years ago

Expected RBI Totals: The Top 267 xRBI Totals for 2013

While there is almost zero skill when it comes to the amount of RBI a player produces, through the creation…

11 years ago

2014 Head-To-Head Mock Draft: First 5 Rounds

We can’t get enough of the free Mock Draft Simulator, so we used it again for the 2014 Head-to-Head Mock…

11 years ago

200 Highest Increases in OBP & Shin-Soo Choo

I struggle to find topics to write about. Because, for me, if I don’t think a topic is interesting to…

11 years ago

2014 Baltimore Orioles Preview: Fantasy Baseball 30-for-30

In 2012, the Orioles had baseball's most unlikely playoff run.  In 2013, they didn't have as much success, but they…

11 years ago

Top Fantasy Baseball Seasons of All Time

The MLB Hall of Fame results came out last week, and I thought it would be interesting to take a…

11 years ago

2014 Fantasy Baseball Projections: Top 192 Hitters by Steamer

The best way that I have found to come up with Fantasy Baseball projections is to take an existing statistical…

11 years ago

ZiPS and Steamer Rest of Season Projections

Over Saturday, I aggregated last week’s ZiPS and Steamer rest of season projections (found on Fangraphs) into one list, and…

12 years ago

Neil’s Weekly Fantasy Baseball Preview: April 8th-14th

Last week I was going all 1990 on you and that was fun and all, but 2013 is here and…

12 years ago

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