Fantasy Football is a strange topic. With most things, like real sports or politics or news, one can seek one source or one site and be informed enough to go about their business. But with Fantasy Football, people want as many sources sharing their opinion as possible. That’s why following these top 66 Fantasy Football Twitter accounts will make your Fantasy Football life better.
I also wrote a similar post for Fantasy Baseball – “99 Fantasy Baseball Twitter Accounts You Should Follow,” enjoy!
Obviously, there are several NFL insiders that are on “the Twitter” and following them is an absolute must for Fantasy Football owners. I’ll add them to the bottom of this list because you most likely already follow them. The following is basically a list of Twitter accounts owned by individual Fantasy writers. I’ve worked side-by-side with many of them, and I’ve done mock drafts with many others. Some — I’ve only read and admired as a fan! If none of them seem like anyone you want to follow then why don’t you become one yourself? It’s not too late to start and you can use twitter to help you grow. Having a great instagram following can help cross-pollinate your audiences. Check out followers for instagram as well while you’re at it. If you’re an individual or organization that makes great use of the Instagram platform, you may want to try out some of the tools that help to make your presence there grow. The key to this is that it’s organic and using Nitreo for your Instagram following can take care of this concern and eliminate the need to buy fake followers (which is largely frowned upon). The service also helps manage your Instagram account in greater depth too.
One thing you’ll notice about me is that I’m proud to connect and gather the works of many different Fantasy sites and writers. This list is one example, as is my list of the Top 47 FREE Fantasy Football Tools You Must Use. If you see something out there you like, shoot me a note!
Once you’ve followed these writers, feel free to ask them a question. I spoke with several of them a few weeks ago and they explained how to get their attention and the best way get your Fantasy Football questions answered.
Andy Behrens of Yahoo! Sports: @AndyBehrens – Andy is the guy you want your sister to marry: Nice, clean-cut, charming – and talks about Fantasy Sports all the time. And I think his Uncle owns a liquor store or something.
Stephania Bell of @Stephania_Bell – ESPN’s injury analyst. I met her a couple years ago and came away very impressed by a woman working in a predominantly male industry. I’d say 80-percent of Fantasy Football writers have no idea what it’s like to go full pads on a football team.
Matthew Berry of @MatthewBerryTMR – Without question, the biggest name in Fantasy Sports. Quality Fantasy infotainment 140 characters at a time. He told me that he gets over 30,000 tweets a month during football season, and he explains here what he looks for when someone asks him a Fantasy question.
Sigmund Bloom of @SigmundBloom – Been a huge fan of FootballGuys since their days.
Cory Bonini and Ryan Bonini formerly of — @CoryKFFL – @RyanBonini – The KFFL Brothers are strong with the Twitter force.
Jake Ciely of @AllinKid – Great in writing, great on and great on Twitter. He also says he’s great in poker, hence the “All In Kid” tag. Despite that fact, you should follow him anyway.
Jay Clemons of @ATL_JayClemons — Initially missed adding him to this list as an oversight. I’ve been following Jay for years and have always enjoyed his work. Nice mix of entertaining and informative. If only there was a word for that — I know, “enterformative”!!!!
Tristan Cockcroft of @SultanofStat – Another one of my biggest mentors in the early 2000s with ESPN. Definitely has the ability to take a step back and look at a Fantasy game analytically.
Matt De Lima of @MattKDelima– Wrote with me at a couple years ago and I’ve always been impressed by him.
Daniel Dobish of RotoWorld & Vegas Insider: @DanielEDobish — I’ve worked with him at three different companies for nearly 10 years now. He’s absolutely the hardest working guy in the Fantasy business. Oh, and he used to pitch on my softball team and he got drunk and drank a bottle of vinegar. The end.
David Dodds of @FBG_Dodds– Fantasy talk from one of the FBG founding fathers.
Frank DuPont of @FantasyDouche – You really want to NOT like him, but you CAN’T! Solid, thoughtful analysis.
Jamey Eisenberg of @JameyEisenberg – He’s the right fielder on our Maguire’s softball team … Oh yeah, and he writes about Fantasy Football 24/7. As much as he tries to answer everyone’s questions, it’s still difficult to get to all of them. But it seems that asking him questions on Twitter is a better way to get an answer than through email,only because of the sheer volume.
“I try to answer every email sent to me directly, which can be fun at times and challenging at others – except when you’re wrong, then it’s your fault they lost.” — Jamey Eisenberg,
Scott Engel of @ScottERotoEx – Scott was the main reason I got a chance to write for CBS SportsLine, and he currently manages the whole team at RotoExperts. Don’t judge him for being a Seahawks fan.
Michael Fabiano of NFL Network: @Michael_Fabiano– Buddy back from the CBS SportsLine days. He loves hair bands, Cowboys, Fantasy Football and quoting “Boy Meets World.” (Not really.)
David Gonos of @DavidGonos – Despite his burly good looks, combining the barrel chest of James Gandolfini and the spare tire of Kevin James, Gonos delivers good stuff daily, when he’s not being a jackass.
Chet Gresham of @Chet_G – Has proven to be one of the top Twitter guys in Fantasy. And he has easily become one of my favorites.
Jeff Haseley of @JeffHaseley – Hardcore Twitterererer with 21 tweets in the past 12 hours.
Eric Karabell of @KarabellESPN — I’m pretty sure he’s the most senior Fantasy writer at ESPN, and he deserves a great amount of respect from the Fantasy world. He’s one of the must-add Fantasy Football Twitter accounts.
Bob Lung of @Bob_Lung – Quality stat-head with some keen insights.
Eric Mack: @EricMackSports– Speaking of Maguire’s softball, Emack’s our shortstop! And he’ll answer every one of your Fantasy Football questions. Don’t judge him by his wolfman-like profile picture.
Scott Pianowski of Yahoo! Sports: @Scott_Pianowski – In the Fantasy industry for quite some time now.
Dave Richard of @DaveRichard – Former co-worker of mine figured out Twitter quicker than most. The number of his Twitter followers barely outnumbers the number of lunches he eats each day. (OK, he lost weight and is skinny now, but he used to be my co-fat guy at
Evan Silva of ProFootballTalk and RotoWorld: @EvanSilva – One of the top names in the industry.
Chris Wesseling of @ChrisWesseling – Any guy with Rodney Dangerfield as his profile pic is all right by me.
Joe Bryant of @Football_Guys — Pretty much laid the groundwork for every non-major-media Fantasy website from 2001 forward.
John Tuvey of @JTuvey — Great guy I almost worked with at one point, brilliant Fantasy mind that has been in the industry for years, including formerly of
Bob Harris of @FootballDiehard — After posting this article, I realized later that night that I forgot to put Harris in here. He’s not only old school, he’s the guy old school guys love.
Paul Charchian of @PaulCharchian — We worked together at OPEN Sports when he did video for us. Always a solid video guy and just a good dude. I can’t be the only guy to ever have thought he looked like a real-life version of Linus from Peanuts though, can I?
Chris Liss of @Chris_Liss — Another oversight on my part. Despite the fact his name rhymes with itself (I should have been named Adonis Gonos), Liss is a two-sport stud writer.
All of the people below are also certainly worth following on Twitter; I just don’t have an interesting story about them or their past. But they’re Fantasy Football writers – which automatically means they’re pretty good peeps!
Andy Benoit of @AndyBenoit
Jene Bramel of @JeneBramel
Jeff Brubach of @OrangeBru
Matt Camp of @TheMattCamp
Mike Clay of ProFootballFocus and Rotoworld: @MikeClayNFL
Patrick Daugherty of @RotoPat
Alen Dumonjic of Bleacher Report: @Dumonjic_Alen
Brad Evans of Yahoo! Sports: @YahooNoise
Doug Farrar of Yahoo! Sports: @SC_DougFarrar
Shane Hallam of @ShanePHallam
John Halpin of @JHalpin37
Andrea Hangst of @FBALL_Andrea
Daniel Jeremiah of @MoveTheSticks
Austin Jordan of @AustinDJordan
Scott Kacsmar of @CaptainComeback
Zach Law of @Zach_Law
A.J. Mass of @AJMass
Rivers McCown of @FO_RiversMcCown
Andy Miley of @AndrewMiley
John Paulsen of @4for4_John
Matt Pomeroy of NFL Network: @MattPomPom
Brian Quinlan of @BNQuinlan
Rumford Johnny of @RumfordJohnny
SidelineFB of @SidelineFB
Jason Smith of NFL Network: @HowAboutAFresca
Jody Smith of @JodySmith_
Sports_Vault of @Sports_Vault
Lance Zierlein of @LanceZierlein
Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports: @JasonLaCanfora
John Clayton (@ClaytonESPN), Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) and Chris Mortensen (@MortReport) of ESPN
Jay Glazer of FOX Network: @JayGlazer
Mike Mayock of NFL Network: @MikeMayock
Peter King of Sports Illustrated: @SI_PeterKing
So hopefully, you’ve found a few new Fantasy Football Twitter accounts to follow. I promise they’ll deliver some helpful advice to you this season. If they don’t, please send all complaints to @EricMackSports. I also plan on doing an article that looks at the Fantasy News Twitter accounts, which are a little different than the writer’s accounts shown above, since they are personality-less and sent automatically through a content management system.
Meanwhile, don’t forget to add me to the Fantasy Football Twitter accounts you follow, @DavidGonos, where I’ll be dispensing Fantasy advice, links to articles (mine and theirs), great Fantasy Football tools and websites that I enjoy … Oh, and the occasional random story about food or dumb people.
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View Comments
Also an interesting one is Mike Dente @1stStopFantasy. Newer website
Cool, thanks for pointing it out!
Man how do you not have Paul Greco on this list man. The guy won the Expert Challenge last year and finished 2nd in the FantasyPros Accuracy Challenge beating all these guys you have on the list. Helped me win $5,000 too with his twitter account
Excellent point! That shall be remedied immediately! He had me on the radio a few times -- good times!
Was looking around Twitter and found @TrainingCampNFL , pretty good for training camp news
This list is amazing. It just makes it that much harder to compete in our leagues now, as nothing will be secret. Great work as usual.
Thanks, dude. Looking forward to hearing about your Browns this year. Should be an interesting group to follow for a few years.
I've already posted more comments than they'll have wins - lol
I may just have add all these to a single list to ensure that you never have a chance at beating me in a Fantasy league! Now what to call it.....
Great resource column. Thanks!
My personal favorite is Gregg Rosenthal - formerly of Rotoworld, now of @greggrosenthal
I originally had him in there, but grumpy Jay Clemons said Rosenthal doesn't write Fantasy anymore, so I took him out. Glad you added him back on!
Looking forward to the Fantasy News Twitter account list. Any idea when that'll be coming out?
Hopefully this week -- thanks for reading!
No love for tradedebate Dave?
It would be convenient for your readers if you would make a public Twitter "list" containing all these people... so we can easily add it to our Twitter-roll!
I'm new to the game, but trying to turn out original articles that counterpoint the main yahoo, espn type stuff. Making this list is a new goal of mine. Until then you can check out the 'Fantasy Football Thursday Night Throwback' twitter here: and follow the link to the the blog for more articles.