Categories: 2013

Tout Wars Transactions: Adams’ New Roto Family

The Tout Wars transactions results are in!!! WOO-HOO!!! OK, so it’s not really all that exciting. But still, Tout Wars transactions make a big difference in my Monday morning. Who did I get? Who did I miss out on? Who spent a bunch of money on players I’m not crazy about!?!

Rookie SP Tony Cingrani is expected to work out of the Reds’ rotation for a while, as Johnny Cueto (lat strain) rests. Cingrani is a big strikeouts guy, with 26 strikeouts in 14 1/3 innings pitched at Triple-A Louisville. With just two walks on the season, it’s obvious that Cingrani’s control makes him a candidate to stick around (sorry, Mike Leake) even after Cueto returns.

I bid $4 on Cingrani, and he was sold for $11 to’s Fred Zinkie. In retrospect, I underbid on him, but bidding more than one-tenth of my season’s FAAB budget on a rookie starting pitcher, when my pitching was already solid, wasn’t something I was crazy about.

This week, it was Cardinals’ slugging 1B Matt Adams and Boston reliever Andrew Bailey that ended up with high FAAB salaries too. They both sold for $7 this week, and tied as the second-most expensive of the week.

Bailey takes over in Boston as the team’s closer for a bit, as Joel Hanrahan deals with hamstring issues. Many are expecting Bailey to hold onto the role, even when Hanrahan is healthy again, which is expected to be later this week.

And Adams is a big, barrel-chested slugger in the mold of Jim Thome, and the Cardinals’ first baseman has three homers and eight RBI in just five games this season. That’s the problem. He’s a part-time player as Allen Craig owns the post-Pujols first-base spot for the Cardinals. The Cardinals will find a way to get him into the lineup, however. No one hits home runs sitting on the bench.

As for my bidding, I short-bid on Adams as a James Loney replacement, just because I know I am going to need some power sooner than later. My pitching staff has been fantastic, so I expect I’ll trade someone from the staff to amend my power deficiencies — especially now that Mike Morse has a fractured finger which could affect him even after he returns next week.

I ended up getting Rangers SP Nick Tepesch, whose price I think was a little lower mostly because his second outing wasn’t as sharp as his first. I’ll roll the dice on the youngster for a week and see what happens.

Cardinals 1B Matt Adams might be a part-timer for now, but he does have three home runs and eight RBI in his past four games. Photo Credit: BeGreen90

Tout Wars Transactions

Bids entered:

Cory Schwartz:

  1. res MDominguez Hou:
    1. pur JDonaldson Oak 2
    2. pur ACallaspo LAA 2

Derek Van Riper:

  1. res MBourn Cle:
    1. pur MAdams StL 4
    2. pur SSmith Oak 2
    3. pur JMayberry Phi 1
    4. pur DMastroianni Min 1
  2. res SSantos Tor:
    1. pur ABailey Bos 6
    2. pur ZMcAllister Cle 3
    3. pur GRichards LAA 3
    4. pur BColon Oak 1
    5. pur EBedard Hou 1

Conditional Releases


  1. rel RPorcello Det

Patrick Davitt:

  1. dis MSaunders Sea:
    1. pur RIbanez Sea 9
    2. pur MIzturis Tor 0
    3. pur JValdespin NYM 0
    4. pur TSnider Pit 0
    5. pur CGetz KC 0
  2. res MMelancon Pit:
    1. pur JBurton Min 0
    2. pur SCasilla SF 0
    3. pur DODay Bal 0
  3. res JCueto Cin:
    1. pur ZMcAllister Cle 9
    2. pur RNolasco Mia 0

Conditional Releases


  1. rel MFiers Mil
  2. rel SPryor Sea

Nando DiFino:

  1. res DStubbs Cle:
    1. pur JDMartinez Hou 4
  2. res RHalladay Phi:
    1. pur JQuintana CWS 5

Eric Mack:

  1. res DStoren Was:
    1. pur TCingrani Cin 10
    2. pur JRussell ChC 10
    3. pur WDavis KC 0
    4. pur NTepesch Tex 0

Tim Heaney:

  1. dis EAybar LAA:
    1. pur BCrawford SF 2
    2. pur RTejada NYM 1
    3. pur AGonzalez Mil 1
    4. pur MGonzalez Hou 1
    5. pur MIzturis Tor 1
    6. pur MKawasaki Tor 0
    7. pur EEscobar Min 0
  2. rel JArrieta Bal:
    1. pur ABailey Bos 7
    2. pur WDavis KC 4
    3. pur JDeLaRosa Col 3
    4. pur CCapuano LAD 3
    5. pur TCingrani Cin 1
    6. pur EBedard Hou 1
    7. pur JRussell ChC 1
    8. pur KSlowey Mia 0
    9. pur JDanks CWS 0
    10. pur FLiriano Pit 0
    11. pur FPaulino KC 0
    12. pur GRichards LAA 0
    13. pur EStults SD 0
  3. res ALind Tor:
    1. pur MAdams StL 0
    2. pur JDonaldson Oak 0

Nicholas Minnix:

  1. dis JReyes Tor:
    1. pur JValdespin NYM 0
    2. pur DBarney ChC 0
    3. pur CGetz KC 0
    4. pur BCrawford SF 0
    5. pur RTejada NYM 0
    6. pur DSolano Mia 0
    7. pur MIzturis Tor 0
    8. pur ESogard Oak 0
  2. res GBlanco SF:
    1. pur MAdams StL 6
    2. pur APollock Ari 0
    3. pur JDonaldson Oak 0
    4. pur JValdespin NYM 0
    5. pur DBarney ChC 0
    6. pur CGetz KC 0
    7. pur NSchierholtz ChC 0
    8. pur BCrawford SF 0
    9. pur JFrancoeur KC 0
    10. pur MByrd NYM 0
  3. res KKendrick Phi:
    1. pur ABailey Bos 1
    2. pur TCingrani Cin 3
  4. res RCook Oak:
    1. pur TCingrani Cin 3
    2. pur ABailey Bos 1

Scott Swanay:

Al Melchior:

  1. res AHicks Min:
    1. pur MAdams StL 11
    2. pur DNava Bos 2

Seth Trachtman:

Zach Steinhorn:

  1. dis RLudwick Cin:
    1. pur CCapuano LAD 1
    2. pur BColon Oak 1
    3. pur RNolasco Mia 0

Ray Flowers:

  1. dis ZGreinke LAD:
    1. pur ABailey Bos 3
    2. pur EStults SD 2
    3. pur MAdams StL 2
    4. pur WDavis KC 1
    5. pur JBay Sea 1
    6. pur JDonaldson Oak 1
    7. pur CGillaspie CWS 1
    8. pur MGonzalez Hou 1
    9. pur NSchierholtz ChC 1
    10. pur SLombardozzi Was 1
  2. rel LCruz LAD:
    1. pur RTejada NYM 1
    2. pur MGonzalez Hou 1
    3. pur BCrawford SF 1

Fred Zinkie:

  1. res TWood ChC:
    1. pur TCingrani Cin 25
    2. pur CCapuano LAD 13
    3. pur BColon Oak 2
    4. pur ABailey Bos 2
    5. pur MGonzalez Bal 0
  2. res GFloyd CWS:
    1. pur CCapuano LAD 7

David Gonos:

  1. res DSmyly Det:
    1. pur TCingrani Cin 4
    2. pur NTepesch Tex 4
    3. pur GRichards LAA 3
    4. pur RNolasco Mia 1
  2. rel JLoney TB:
    1. pur MAdams StL 4

Paul Singman:

  1. res ABurnett Pit:
    1. pur TCingrani Cin 2
    2. pur BColon Oak 1
    3. pur EBedard Hou 1
  2. res YEscobar TB:
    1. pur JValdespin NYM 0
    2. pur RTejada NYM 0
    3. pur MGonzalez Hou 0
    4. pur MIzturis Tor 0
  3. res DEspinosa Was:
    1. pur RTejada NYM 1
  4. res JRuggiano Mia:
    1. pur NSchierholtz ChC 2
    2. pur DNava Bos 0
  5. res MMoustakas KC:
    1. pur MAdams StL 5

Cory Schwartz: res MDominguez Hou
Patrick Davitt: dis MSaunders Sea
Patrick Davitt: res MMelancon Pit
Patrick Davitt: res JCueto Cin
Nando DiFino: res DStubbs Cle
Nando DiFino: res RHalladay Phi
Tim Heaney: dis EAybar LAA
Tim Heaney: rel JArrieta Bal
Nicholas Minnix: dis JReyes Tor
Al Melchior: res AHicks Min
Ray Flowers: dis ZGreinke LAD
Ray Flowers: rel LCruz LAD
Fred Zinkie: res TWood ChC
Fred Zinkie: res GFloyd CWS
David Gonos: res DSmyly Det
Paul Singman: res YEscobar TB
Paul Singman: res JRuggiano Mia
Derek Van Riper: res MBourn Cle
Derek Van Riper: res SSantos Tor
Eric Mack: res DStoren Was
Nicholas Minnix: res GBlanco SF
Zach Steinhorn: dis RLudwick Cin
Paul Singman: res ABurnett Pit
Cory Schwartz: pur JDonaldson Oak 1
Al Melchior: pur MAdams StL 7
Derek Van Riper: pur SSmith Oak 1
Tim Heaney: pur ABailey Bos 7
Patrick Davitt: pur ZMcAllister Cle 4
Derek Van Riper: pur GRichards LAA 1
Zach Steinhorn: pur BColon Oak 1
Paul Singman: pur EBedard Hou 1
Patrick Davitt: pur RIbanez Sea 1
Nicholas Minnix: pur JValdespin NYM 0
Patrick Davitt: pur JBurton Min 0
Nando DiFino: pur JDMartinez Hou 1
Nando DiFino: pur JQuintana CWS 1
Fred Zinkie: pur TCingrani Cin 11
Eric Mack: pur JRussell ChC 1
David Gonos: pur NTepesch Tex 1
Tim Heaney: pur BCrawford SF 1
Ray Flowers: pur RTejada NYM 1
Paul Singman: pur MGonzalez Hou 0
Fred Zinkie: pur CCapuano LAD 2
Ray Flowers: pur EStults SD 1
Nicholas Minnix: pur APollock Ari 0
Paul Singman: pur NSchierholtz ChC 1
Patrick Davitt: mov RIbanez Sea UT
Nicholas Minnix: mov JValdespin NYM MI
Al Melchior: mov MAdams StL UT
Nicholas Minnix: mov APollock Ari UT
Derek Van Riper: rel RPorcello Det
Patrick Davitt: rel MFiers Mil
Patrick Davitt: rel SPryor Sea

Hopefully, getting a look at our weekly FAAB bids will help you out in your league. The Tout Wars transactions sure are a boring read, but they are extra informative!

David Gonos

David Gonos spent 5 years as a Senior Fantasy Writer and three more years writing with Over the past 17 years, his work has been published on,, FanDuel, and USA Today. Since 2001, he has been tracking down the Top 50-plus Free Fantasy Football Draft Tools online. You can contact David Gonos here.

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