Beer ...

2012 MLB Stadium Beer Prices Report (Infographic)

This weekend, a group of friends are joining me for yet another baseball trip. We’re flying up from Fort Lauderdale to the Washington, D.C., area, where we’re going to catch a Beltway Series game between the Baltimore Orioles and the Washington Nationals Friday night.

My buddies and I … we like the beer. So I found this infographic a few days ago, showing what the average stadium beer prices are at each of the 30 Major League parks. As you know, stadium beer prices are never cheap. In Miami, at the new Marlins Park, we have to pay for our beers in three monthly installments. The Marlins have the fifth-most expensive beer in the majors, at 50 cents per ounce, tying the New York Yankees (A-Rod gets four pennies for every beer you buy in the Bronx!)

While our Friday night brews will cost us an above-average 41 cents per ounce, at least we’ll catch a break Monday night in Camden Yards (Boston at Baltimore). Oriole Park charges a meager 35 cents per ounce — fifth-cheapest in the majors! More money for crabs! … and crabs ointment!

So enjoy this infographic on the MLB stadium beer prices for 2012, and be happy that your 12-pack cost you less than two of our beers!


2012 MLB stadium prices have a wide range, from Arizona (cheapest) to Boston (priciest).

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