A large percentage of Fantasy Baseball players have become hooked on the excitement of playing Daily Fantasy Baseball games. This daily game is essentially the next generation of Fantasy, as the game continues to evolve from Rotisserie, to Head-to-Head -- to Daily. So, of course, that’s not good enough for me. It got me thinking …
7 Daily Fantasy Baseball Games That Should Exist

A large percentage of Fantasy Baseball players have become hooked on the excitement of playing Daily Fantasy Baseball games.
This daily game is essentially the next generation of Fantasy, as the game continues to evolve from Rotisserie, to Head-to-Head — to Daily.
So, of course, that’s not good enough for me. It got me thinking about a bunch of Daily Fantasy Baseball games that should exist!
We already have great regular daily games to choose from on most daily sites, whether it’s tournament style salary cap games, or pick ‘em games like Draft Day’s Rapid Fire. In that game, you choose which player (out of five different matchups) will play better than his counterpart.
What other Daily Fantasy Baseball games should they have on their sites!?! (Some of the following are serious games that I think would work well on some of these sites – and some just sound fun … and I highly doubt anyone would ever bet any money on them.)
7 Daily Fantasy Baseball Games That Should Exist
For all I know, some of these games exist somewhere out there – and I just haven’t seen them yet. But I don’t think that’s the case!
Five-Man Rotation

Much like the Rapid Fire game, but instead, you have to rank the five chosen starting pitchers in order of how you think they’ll finish in Fantasy points that day.
I tried to figure out the odds of hitting the correct order blindly, but my little chipmunk brain had no chance of figuring that out. I’m going to guess, though, that a $1 bet would win you $100-plus. I’d play that game for the chance at a big payday.
Rapid Firing Squad
Rather than choose five players from five matchups, like in Draft Day’s Rapid Fire game, what if they post 25 matchups to choose from? If you get 13 right, you win! And if you get the most right out of everyone that plays the game, you win the daily bonus jackpot!
Small-Market Cheapskates
This is set up like regular daily Fantasy Baseball games, but your available salary cap to spend is completely cut in half. So you’ll be forced to choose from scrubs and low-end pitchers. Maybe the entry fee to this game is just 50 cents, too, rather than $1 or more.
Bad Beat Bonuses
In many casinos, there will be what’s called a “Bad Beat Jackpot” that rewards someone with a great hand in Texas Hold ‘em, but gets beat by an even greater hand. Like if someone had four sixes, and they got beat by four queens.
Maybe some daily games have this and I’m not aware. But it would be cool if you scored one of the top five scores of the day, but lost your Head-to-Head matchup. Might even be simpler to do a Bad Beat Bonus number, like if you score 300-plus points and lose, you win part of a building jackpot.
N.Y. Bankees Game
In this setup, there is no salary cap, with no prices on any players, and you just pick what you think the best lineup would be for that day, regardless of the price – just like the Yankees!
Small-Market Cheapskates Bonus Game
What if your Cheapskates lineup was also inserted in a regular game with people that have full salary caps – and you won!?! That should be like a 10x multiplier or something! Just thinking out loud here. Pay no attention.
Rolaids Relief Man Game
Here’s a chance for some sponsorship! It seems like closers are the forgotten players in Daily Fantasy Baseball games. There are just a few sites that include relievers, like Draft Street and Fantasy Feud.
Relievers have become like NFL punters and offensive linemen. Mostly, though, it’s due to the uncertainty that they’ll even get into a game that day, much less have a save opportunity. So what if the Relief Man Game scores big points for saves, wins, outs, double-points for strikeouts, negative points for blown saves, losses, hits, walks, earned runs and batters faced.
So which of these games would you like to play? And I’m sure there are dozens of other Daily Fantasy Baseball games ideas out there. Have any ideas?
I would be up for building any of these, if I had any way whatsoever to get the data…
How about a “Crap the Bed” league where you draft players who you think will have the worst days? Points awarded for batter Ks, leaving men on base, pitcher runs and walks, worst ERA and BA, etc.