The 1984 Topps Football set could have been even better than the one we’ve come to know and love over the past 40 years. The 1984 Topps Football card set could have been one of the greatest football card sets in football card history! The 1972 Topps Basketball set combined cards for players in the …
What If 1984 Topps Football Combined NFL & USFL Checklists?

The 1984 Topps Football set could have been even better than the one we’ve come to know and love over the past 40 years. The 1984 Topps Football card set could have been one of the greatest football card sets in football card history!
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The 1972 Topps Basketball set combined cards for players in the NBA, as well as for the ABA, which was a competing league at the time. That allowed for a super-set of some great rookie cards, including Julius Erving (ABA), George McGinnis (ABA), Artis Gilmore (ABA) and Phil Jackson (NBA). But more importantly, it had cards of other superstar players like Wilt Chamberlain, Walt Frazier, Wes Unseld, Oscar Robertson, Rick Barry, John Havlicek, Dave Cowens, and Jerry West.
Imagine if Topps gave the NFL and the competing USFL the same treatment for their 1984 Topps Football set! We would have rookie cards of the following superstars, all in one set:
Rookie Cards From the 1984 Topps NFL Set:
- John Elway (HOF) No. 63 – View on eBay!
- Howie Long (HOF) No. 111 – View on eBay!
- Mark Duper No. 120 – View on eBay!
- Dan Marino (HOF) No. 123 – View on eBay!
- Dan Marino Instant Replay (HOF) No. 124 – View on eBay!
- Dwight Stephenson (HOF) No. 129 – View on eBay!
- Andre Tippett (HOF) No. 143 – View on eBay!
- Curt Warner No. 198 – View on eBay!
- Jim Covert (HOF) No. 222 – View on eBay!
- Eric Dickerson (HOF) No. 280 – View on eBay!
- Eric Dickerson Instant Replay (HOF) No. 281 – View on eBay!
- Jackie Slater (HOF) No. 286 – View on eBay!
- Morten Anderson (HOF) No. 300 – View on eBay!
- Rickey Jackson (HOF) No. 303 – View on eBay!
- Roger Craig No. 353 – View on eBay!
- Darrell Green (HOF) No. 380 – View on eBay!
- Russ Grimm (HOF) No. 381 – View on eBay!
Rookie Cards From the 1984 Topps USFL Set:
- Jim Kelly (HOF) No. 36 – View on eBay!
- Steve Young (HOF) No. 52 – View on eBay!
- Reggie White (HOF) No. 58 – View on eBay!
- Anthony Carter No. 59 – View on eBay!
- Herschel Walker (Heisman) No. 74 – View on eBay!
- Marcus Dupree No. 76 – View on eBay!
- Mike Rozier (Heisman) No. 109 – View on eBay!
1984 Topps Football Superstar Non-Rookie NFL Cards Include:
- Joe DeLamielleure, Cleveland Browns No. 51
- Walter Payton, Chicago Bears No. 228
- Joe Montana, San Francisco 49ers No. 358
1984 Topps Football Superstar Non-Rookie USFL Cards Include:
- Doug Plank, Chicago Blitz No. 24
- Brian Sipe, New Jersey Generals No. 73
- Doug Williams, Oklahoma Outlaws No 96
As you can see, this 1984 Topps NFL set (which had rookies from the 1983 NFL Draft) would have been an even more legendary set than it already is! By combining the two league sets, you’d have rookie cards of quarterbacks John Elway, Jim Kelly, Dan Marino and Steve Young! The rookie running backs list would have both Roger Craig, Eric Dickerson, Herschel Walker, and Curt Warner! There weren’t many superstar rookie WRs, but the legendary defensive rookies list is stocked, with guys like Darrell Green, Howie Long and Reggie White!
If you love rookie cards, here are some more articles tracking great cards from the past and present:
- The Most Valuable Baseball Rookie Card of Every Year Since 1948
- 1st Bowman Cards For the Top 100 MLB Prospects in Baseball Right Now!
- Topps Rookie Cards of the Top 100 MLB Players Right Now (2024!)
- The Best Topps Chrome Rookie Cards From Every Year Since 1996
- The Best 2nd-Year Baseball Cards Dating Back to 1953
- The Best BASKETBALL Rookie Cards From Each NBA Season Since 1948
- The Best FOOTBALL Rookie Cards From Each NFL Season Since 1956
- The Best HOCKEY Rookie Cards From Each NHL Season Since 1951
What do you think of the 1984 Topps Football NFL set, as well as the 1984 Topps USFL set? Do you have any of these cards, and if so, which ones are your favorite?