Tag: evergreen


Becoming a Fantasy Sports Writer is not easy though. For over a decade, I’ve been asked by dozens of people, “How can I become a Fantasy Sports writer?” I’ve been writing Fantasy sports columns since 2000, starting with an old website called FFInformer.com, which led to my own site, and then several years at CBSSports.com …

Van Halen

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted Donovan, The Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Guns N’ Roses (Why is the apostrophe on the “N” like that?), along with several people you haven’t heard of, in 2012. There are very few current bands I would consider “rock bands,” like Foo Fighters, Chili Peppers, …

I was just telling my wife the other day, “You are so perfect for me! … Well, close to perfect … Like, there are just a couple things I’d change … I mean, just like four things, really.” So while I was picking my teeth up off the ground, I had some time to think …

Think back to last season, and how a few of your leaguemates had begun to forget to set their lineups in August, and how a few of your leaguemates spent weeks complaining about a certain rule. So now is as good a time as any, before your draft and with your owners attentive, to make …

Your teams are all drafted. Your rosters are tighter than Dick’s hat band (that’s one you don’t hear often enough). Your lineups are set and your rotations are locked. There’s only one thing left to do once Opening Day (truly) begins on Wednesday -- have fun. Did he just say, “Have fun,” like my Aunt …