Over the past six years or so, I have considered FantasyRundown.com’s daily links as one of the top Fantasy Football links on the Internet. I actually rank them second, among my favorite free Fantasy Football draft tools, just after my No. 1 pick, the free one-man mock draft tool over at FantasyPros. Garrett and his …
Ranking the Top Fantasy Football Links: FantasyRundown.com

Over the past six years or so, I have considered FantasyRundown.com’s daily links as one of the top Fantasy Football links on the Internet.
I actually rank them second, among my favorite free Fantasy Football draft tools, just after my No. 1 pick, the free one-man mock draft tool over at FantasyPros.
Garrett and his team go through their feeds to find all the best free Fantasy Football articles for you on that particular day, then they post them and explain what each article is about. And this isn’t just for yearly, leagues, this is also one of the best free Fantasy Football keeper tools!
Not only should you absolutely bookmark this page, but I firmly believe you should make it your new home page.
Top Fantasy Football Links Rankings: No. 2 – FantasyRundown.com
Here are several reasons I ranked this website so high among my list of top Fantasy Football links.
Updated Daily, Several Times a Day
The Fantasy Rundown peeps update their home page several times a day, so you’ll get great topical articles no matter what time it is. You can check it in the morning (they post their first set early in the morning, usually), then again in the early afternoon, and once again at night, and you’ll find great new articles.
They do this 365 days a year!
Introduces Us To New Sites
Many times, they’ll post top Fantasy Football links to websites I’ve never heard of, only to allow me to discover a great new writer, or a great new website.
Their Synopses Save You Time
They don’t just post a link to the article – they check it out, make sure it’s good enough for their readers, then they set the link – and explain to us what the article is about. This keeps us all from wasting our time with a poorly titled article, or with a piece of junk.
Their Icons Help You Find What You Want
If it’s articles you want, you’ll find plenty. But what about a great Fantasy podcast or a great Fantasy Football YouTube video, or what about a schedule Fantasy Football chat? They post little icons next to each of these types of links, so you know what they are before heading over.
They also have icons for “Minor League Baseball” talk for Fantasy Baseball players, and they have an icon for Daily Fantasy Sports players, for articles specifically about those games.
Links To Multiple Sports Makes Life Easier
Rather than bounce around to a dozen sites to get all of your Fantasy Sports info, just go to FantasyRundown.com, where you can find article links to Fantasy Football, Fantasy Baseball, Fantasy Basketball and even Fantasy Golf.
Fantasy Football Rankings Page
On this page, the FantasyRundown team lists all of the updated rankings pages for all of the different Fantasy Football websites.
After watching the video and reading this article, I think you’ll agree this is one of the top Fantasy Football links you’ll ever come across – and it’s a link to a ton of other great links! Check out the rest of my favorite free Fantasy Football draft tools and let me know if there are some that I’m missing for this year!